Meanwhile in the gay world part two: the celluloid romance of António Da Silva

11 05 2013


  António Da Silva is a Portuguese film-maker with a taste for highly personal, quite beautiful and sexy explorations of gay desire. His previous films documented a series of his (real) one night stands and London office workers cruising for sex during their lunchbreaks (in which he participated). “Julian” above, is the story of a relationship between the filmmaker and a Swiss boyfriend, Julian.

His latest film, “Gingers,” raises the, err, bar even further with a highly graphic, super-gay series of interviews with redheads (one of Antonio’s private passions.) The men talk about the sexual status of redheads in the gay world over a montage of slowly swelling, auburn-haired members and a tenor singing Gregorian chants. Its better than it sounds but definitely not for the prudish or those at work – link here.